I think a wonderful place to start in terms of developing a regenerative perspective is simply with being human. I think the most human thing we can do, as well as perhaps the most spiritual, is to encounter each other's face. When I say "encounter each other's face," I am being a bit philosophical.
To encounter someone else's face is to see the face and also the person behind that face. It does require us to pause in our path long enough to engage in a process of seeing and wonderment. It is to see the uniqueness of that person. It is to wonder about the questions they have, the feelings they feel, and how they experience their life on this planet. From a more spiritual perspective, it may be to see how the Divine manifests in them.
This will hopefully lead to the suspension of judgment, respect, caring and all of the things necessary to trust and join with them in a collaborative endeavor. It will lead to a recognition as a mentor of mine once said, that "each person's truth is truth."
Beyond this, encountering and seeing each other's face is an attitude and practice that can lead us to be able to encounter the face of each animal we meet, each bird, each tree, each insect. For example, I am familiar with each cat in my neighborhood and there are many. Each has their own stance, their own personality, their own proclivities, their way of expressing themselves.
With the use of a little imagination, one can move on to encountering and seeing the flow of a river - wondering where it is coming from and to where it is going - seeing the personality of the river. I remember sailing on the Charles River in Boston and I can tell you that the river has its own character enough to even have a song written about it.
My belief is that unless we can see and encounter each of these, we will not be able to care enough about them to engage in the process of regeneration. This is the first step to a regenerative perspective. Even wanting or striving to do this, is an important step along the way.